On the 13th July, 1950, the late Dr. Jacob Alexander Nicholson a nominated member of the then Legislative Council moved a motion seeking to have a Nursing Council set up to be responsible for registration and examination of Nurses.
Three (3) years after, on the 3rd March 1953, the bill was debated and read for the third consecutive time and passed.
In 1954, Dr. L.A.P Slinger and C.E.S Bailey, the then Director and Assistant Director of Medical Services, respectively sought to have the Council inaugurated.
The Council was inaugurated on March 26, 1954 with a view to establishing a body of members (elected and nominated) from Registered Nurses to look into the practice of Nursing, in the then British Guiana.
The following members were nominated to the first council by the then Director of Medical Services, the late Dr. L.A.P Slinger. At the end of the first three (3) years, the council was dissolved and Registered Nurses and Midwives were asked to nominate members for subsequent years.
The aim of the Council is to set standards for Nursing in Guyana in respect to training and practice of General Nursing and Midwifery.